This blog is a place for Aled Treharne to provide information and opinion on the latest in the world of next-generation communications.
With over a decade of experience in next-generation communications, Aled has a wealth of experience that he brings to his current role as Director of Innovation and Development for SIPHONÂ – a systems integrator that takes the concept of integration to the next level. He has worked for a variety of communications providers from incumbent telco giants to small ITSPs and has a deep understanding of the industry from technical, commercial and regulatory viewpoints. Aled has worked with NICC to help create some of the standards that govern ITSPs and is a regular attendee at the UK Network Operators Forum meetings. Aled has a particular interest in communications relating to the Emergency Services as he spends much of his spare time working with Mountain Rescue and St John Ambulance.
Aled also has a personal blog where you’ll find him ranting about bad driving and what people get up to on a Saturday night in Cardiff. Follow his blog at or follow him on
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