Category: News

  • Twitter debate

    As part of the run up to UCExpo I’m going to be taking part in my first Twitter debate this afternoon (Tweebate?). I’ll be taking over the SIPHON twitter account: @SIPHON_Networks. Feel free to fire me your questions – the theme for the debate is going to the Future of Communications Security, which gives rise to…

  • Save harbour agreement threatened?

    Edward Snowden’s revelations to the world about the US’ monitoring of communications is the gift that keeps on giving. The Advocate General to the EU Court of Justice has today issued a legal opinion which makes two findings: 1. That the Commission’s acceptance of US safe harbour arrangements does not override the ability of local…

  • Changes

    Firstly, normal service has been restored here – I had an issue with the virtual machine that this blog was hosted on and it’s taken a little time to get it back up to speed again. In other news, we’ve made some changes in Siphon this year – at the start of the year, I…

  • Growing

    Just around Christmas we announced the acquisition of VCOMM, previously a subsidiary of Coms PLC. With all of the integration work that’s going on at the moment work has been pretty busy, but I wanted to take a moment to talk about what this means for my team and I – I’m sure our MD,…

  • BT Wholesale seeks live TV over broadband trialists

    A news article was published recently on Comms Business – I say news article, but they’re almost entirely regurgitated press releases. The article was about BT Wholesale’s new trial of live TV over broadband and had the following quote: Establishing broadband as a TV platform is an exciting development in our industry and BT Wholesale…

  • Because there aren’t enough blogs already

    Having decided that there aren’t enough next-generation-related Communications blogs out there already, I figured it was time for me to finally put my money where my mouth was and write my own. This is my corner where I’ll be feeding up snippets on new technologies, companies and systems in the communications world, along with some…